Balbriggan floor sanding services

If you have an office, sports club or residential property in Balbriggan, we have you covered. Just ring Richard today and he will discuss your needs and give you a quote.

Floor Staining Balbriggan

We use only the best stain to ensure your floor is stained and looks amazing. We over the best and most reliable service in Balbriggan, Co Dublin.

Our stains dry quickly and are as odourless as possible.

Varnishing your floor

Make sure your floor sander in Balbriggan uses Bona varnishes. You want to make sure your floor shines but also looks like wood.

We’ve been to houses in Balbriggan that have had the wrong varnish used and there floors look artificial. That’s why you should only call the professionals at Dublin Floor Sanding to ensure that your floors are in safe hands.

A dull floor gives your house a dull feeling, and a feeling of it being neglected! Believe it or not having a professional floor sanding is not as expensive as you may think.